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Lindsay Boocock (Durham University), 1984‑87

Olivia Wilson (ESRC), ‘Landownership and rural development in theory and practice: case studies from the North Pennines in the 19th and 20th centuries’, PhD awarded 1990.

Md Nurul Islam Nazem (Commonwealth) ‘Rural-urban interaction in Bangladesh: a study of linkages between villages and small urban centres’, PhD awarded 1994.

Marco Gastoni (Italy) ‘The agri-food system in the Mediterranean countries of the European Community: structures and policies, with particular reference to Italy’, Masters by Research, awarded 1993.

Gavin McQuarrie (ESRC) ‘European influence and tribal society in Tunisia during the nineteenth century: the origins and impact of the trade in esparto grass 1870-1940’, PhD awarded 1996.

Franca Puddu (Italy) ‘The Irish on Tyneside: migration and identity’, PhD awarded 1998.

Barry Hunter (Canada) ‘Participatory planning and extension: an agroforestry case study from Plateau State, Nigeria’, Masters by Research, awarded 1999

Ahmed Ghodieh (British Council, Palestine) ‘Land use mapping of selected areas of County Durham, north-east England, by satellite remote sensing and field survey methods’, Masters by Research, awarded 1994.

Salem Al-Oun (Jordan) ‘Livestock marketing in the Jordanian Badia’, PhD awarded 1998.

Anwar Hussain (Bangladesh) ‘The sharing of cross boundary water resources in South Asia: a Bangladesh-India case study’, Masters by Research, awarded 1999.

Salma Islam (Bangladesh) Masters by Research awarded 1995.

Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Commonwealth, Bangladesh) ‘Bearers of change: the field workers of NGOs in Bangladesh’, PhD awarded 2000.

Naresh Kumar (Durham University/ORS) ‘The provision of infrastructure services in Rohtak and Bhiwani districts’, Haryana, India, 1981-98: a geographical analysis, PhD awarded 1999.

Bruce Scholten (U.S.A.) ‘International dairy product aid & trade, 1960s-1990s: focusing on the EU and India in Operation Flood’, Masters by Research awarded 1997.

Md Shahedur Rashid (Commonwealth, Bangladesh) ‘A study of land transformation in Savar Upazila, Bangladesh, 1951-2001: an integrated approach using remote sensing, census, map and field data’, PhD awarded 2003.

Md Manzurul Hassan (Commonwealth, Bangladesh) ‘Arsenic toxicity in Bangladesh: health and social hazards’, PhD awarded 2003.

Khondaker Mohamad Shariful Huda (Commonwealth, Bangladesh) ‘Detection monitoring and management of small water bodies: a case study of Shahjadpur Thana, Sirajgonj District, Bangladesh’, PhD, awarded 2004.

Bruce Scholten (U.S.A.), ‘Consumption of organic products in the risk society: the case of Seattle’, PhD awarded 2008.

John Schembri (Malta) ‘Coastal land use in the Maltese islands: a description and appraisal’, PhD awarded 2004.

Sheikh Tawhidul Islam (Commonwealth, Bangladesh), ‘An Integration of Remote Sensing and Political Ecology for Forest Resource Assessment in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Deciduous Sal Forests’, PhD awarded 2006.

Li, Jingyi (China) ‘Provincial Government and Politico-Economic Dependence: Understanding the Regional Development of Xinjiang, NW China’, PhD awarded 2006.

David Pybus (UK), ‘The Alum Industry in North East Yorkshire’, 2004-16.

Kathrin Blaufuss (ESRC, Germany), ‘Greening the revolution’ revisited: farmers, NGOs and the Cuban state’, PhD awarded 2006

Nandini Sanyal (Bangladesh), ‘Political ecology of environmental crises in Bangladesh’, Masters by Research, awarded 2006.

Fathema Khatoon (Bangladesh) ‘Socio-economic and cultural context of Bangladeshi women in North-East England’, Masters by Research, awarded 2007.

Alak Paul (ORS and Dept, Bangladesh), ‘HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh’, PhD awarded 2009.

Md Nadiruzzaman (Private, Bangladesh) ‘Rural local government and state politics in Bangladesh, Masters by Research, awarded 2008.

Kathryn Wilkins (Private, UK) ‘Elite networks of the London Season’, PhD awarded 2010.

Mizanur Rahman (Commonwealth, Bangladesh) ‘Sanitation interventions in the urban informal settlements of Bangladesh’, Full-time, PhD awarded 2011.

Md Nadiruzzaman (Moyes Trust, Bangladesh) ‘Cyclone Sidr and its aftermath: everyday life, power and marginality’, PhD awarded 2012.

Emma Wilsher (UK) ‘The impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases, and their associated stigma, on people’s basic capabilities, MA by Research, awarded 2011.

Abdul Sattar Khan (Pakistan Government), ‘Urban expansion, land use land cover change and human impacts: a case study of Rawalpindi’, PhD awarded 2013.

Mohammad Nayeem Aziz Ansari (Commonwealth, Bangladesh), ‘Hunger, place and seasonality: understanding Monga vulnerability in Northwest Bangladesh’, PhD awarded 2013.

Jamil Mahmood (Commonwealth, Bangladesh), ‘Forest Change in the Mangroves of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta 1906-2014’, PhD, awarded 2015.

Philip Robinson (DARD, Northern Ireland), ‘A political ecology of bovine tuberculosis eradication in. Northern Ireland’, PhD, awarded 2014.

Nahid Rezwana (Bangladesh), ‘Disasters and access to healthcare in the coastal region of Bangladesh: a gendered analysis’, PhD, awarded 2016.

Joseph Sambali (Tanzania), ‘Exploring health risks and Resilience in a Rural Population in the Context of Environment-Related Diseases, Ngara, Tanzania’, PhD awarded 2015.