Papers in refereed journals
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Atkins, P.J. (2022) Navy victuallers and the rise of Cheshire cheese, International Journal of Maritime History 34, 196–209,
Atkins, P.J. (2020) Foreword, p. vii in Paul, A., HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh: Stigmatized People, Policy and Place Cham: Springer. ISBN: 9783030576493. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-57650-9,
Atkins, P.J. (2020) Famine, pp 15-20 in Kobayashi, A. (Eds) International encyclopedia of human geography Oxford: Elsevier, 2e, vol. 5,
Atkins, P.J. (2019) Foreword, p. xv in Islam, S.T. and Paul, A. (Eds) Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications London: Routledge India. ISBN: 978-1138570610
Atkins, P.J. (2018) Geography of Hunger and Famine. In Warf, B. (Ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Geography New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199874002-0189
Atkins, P.J. (2019) Infant feeding and infant mortality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Copenhagen, pp. 17-30 in Jensen, T., Nyvang, C., Scholliers, P. and Atkins, P.J. (Eds)(2019) Food and Age in Europe, 1800-2000 London: Routledge ISBN: 9781138589681
Atkins, P.J. (2017) Foreword, p xvii in Cohen, M. and Otomo, Y. (Eds) Making Milk: the Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Foods London: Bloomsbury ISBN 978-1-3500-2996-5
Atkins, P.J. (2017) The long genealogy of quality in the British drinking-milk sector, Historia Agraria 73, 35-58
Atkins, P.J. (2016) A history of animal diseases in the food supply of the United Kingdom since the nineteenth century, Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica 4, 7, 37-42
Ansari, M.N.A and Atkins, P.J. (2014) Understanding the Monga in Northwest Bangladesh: household perceptions and perceptual connotations, International Research Journal of Social Science 3, 8, 22-29 ISSN 2319–3565,
Rahman, M., Atkins, P.J. and McFarlane, C. (2014) Factors affecting slum sanitation projects in Dhaka City: learning from the dynamics of social-technological-governance systems, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 4, 346-58, doi:10.2166/washdev.2014.081
Khan, A.U., Hassan, M. and Atkins, P.J. (2014) International curriculum transfer in Geography in Higher Education: an example, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39, 348-60, doi: 10.1080/03098265.2014.912617,
Atkins, P.J. and Robinson, P.A. (2013) Bovine tuberculosis and badgers in Britain: relevance of the past, Epidemiology and Infection 141, 7, 1437-1444 doi:10.1017/S095026881200297X
Atkins, P.J. and Robinson, P.A. (2013) Coalition culls and zoonotic ontologies, Environment & Planning A 45, 1372-86
Atkins, P.J. (2013) A social history of the science of food analysis and the control of adulteration, pp 97-108 in Murcott, A., Belasco, W. and Jackson, P. (Eds) The Handbook of Food Research Oxford: Berg ISBN 9781847889164
Atkins, P.J. (2013) Vinegar and sugar: the early history of factory-made jams, pickles and sauces, pp 41-54 in Britain, Oddy, D.J. (Ed.) The Food Industries of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Farnham: Ashgate, ISBN 9781409454397,
Atkins, P.J. (2012) Introduction, pp 1-17 in Atkins, P.J. (Ed.) Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories Farnham: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2012) Animal wastes and nuisances in nineteenth-century London, pp 19-51 in Atkins, P.J. (Ed.) Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories Farnham: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2012) The ‘charmed circle’, pp 53-76 in Atkins, P.J. (Ed.) Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories Farnham: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2012) The urban blood and guts economy, pp 77-106 in Atkins, P.J. (Ed.) Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories Farnham: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2012) Food security, safety and crises, pp 69-86 in Bentley, A. (Ed.) A cultural history of food. Volume 6: the modern age Oxford: Berg,
Hassan, M.M. & Atkins, P.J. (2011) Application of geostatistics with Indicator Kriging for analyzing spatial variability of groundwater arsenic concentrations in southwest Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 46, 11, 1185-96 doi: 10.1080/10934529.2011.598771
Atkins, P.J. (2011) The material histories of food quality and composition, Endeavour 35, 74-79 doi: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2011.06.003
Atkins, P.J. (2011) Communal feeding in war time: ‘British Restaurants’, 1940-1947, pp 139-53 in Zweiniger-Bargielowska, I, Duffett, R and Drouard, A. (Eds) Food and War in Twentieth Century Europe Farnham: Ashgate ISBN 978-1-4094-1770-5,
Huda, K.M.S., Atkins, P.J., Donoghue, D.N.M.D. and Cox, N.J. (2010) Small water bodies in Bangladesh, Area 42, 217–227 ISSN 0004-0894; doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4762.2009.00909.x
Atkins, P.J. (2010) Lobbying and resistance with regard to policy on bovine tuberculosis: an inside/outside model of Britain, 1900-1939, pp 189-212 in Worboys, M. & Condrau, F. (Eds) Tuberculosis Then and Now Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press ISBN: 978-0-7735-3601-2 (pbk); 978-0-7735-3600-5 (hbk),
Oddy, D.J. and Atkins, P.J. (2009) Introduction, pp 1-11 in Oddy, D.J., Atkins, P.J. and Amilien, V. (Eds) The Rise of Obesity in Europe: a Twentieth Century Food History Aldershot: Ashgate,
Oddy, D.J. and Atkins, P.J. (2009) Conclusion, pp 223-33 in Oddy, D.J., Atkins, P.J. and Amilien, V. (Eds) The Rise of Obesity in Europe: a Twentieth Century Food History Aldershot: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2009) The history of food exchanges: a new agenda, Food & History 7, 1, 111-24 doi: 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.100638
Atkins, P.J. (2009) Famine, pp 14-20 in Kitchin, R. & Thrift, N. (Eds) International encyclopedia of human geography, volume 4 Oxford: Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-08-044911-1;;
Nadiruzzaman, M. and Atkins, P.J. (2008) Infrastructure and poverty reduction: the Rural Maintenance Programme in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies 30, 2, 1-6 ISSN 0971-4170
Atkins, P.J. (2008) Fear of animal foods: a century of zoonotics, Appetite 51, 18-21 doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.02.006
Bruegel, M., Bourdieu, J. and Atkins, P.J. (2007) Dossier: food quality/la qualité alimentaire, Food & History 5, 2, 247-324 (4 papers),
Atkins, P.J. and Stanziani, A. (2007) From laboratory expertise to litigation. The municipal laboratory of Paris and the Inland Revenue laboratory in London, 1870-1914: a comparative analysis, pp 317-39 in Rabier, C. (Ed.) Fields of expertise: experts, knowledge and powers in European modern history Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press,–Paris-and-London–1600-to-the-present-time.htm ISBN 1-84718-257-7, DOI:
Bourdieu, J., Bruegel, M., and Atkins, P.J. (2007) ‘That elusive feature of food consumption’: historical perspectives on quality, a review and some proposals, Food & History 5, 2, 247-67,
Hassan, M.M. and Atkins, P.J. (2007) Arsenic risk mapping in Bangladesh: a simulation technique of cokriging estimation from regional count data, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 12, 1719-1728
Atkins, P.J. and Oddy, D.J. (2007) Food and the city, pp 1-10 in Atkins, P.J., Lummel, P. and Oddy, D.J. (Eds) Food and the City in Europe since 1800 Aldershot: Ashgate
Atkins, P.J. and Oddy, D.J. (2007) Conclusion, pp 251-3 in Atkins, P.J., Lummel, P. and Oddy, D.J. (Eds) Food and the City in Europe since 1800 Aldershot: Ashgate
Atkins, P.J., Hassan, M.M. and Dunn, C.E. (2007a) Environmental irony: summoning death in Bangladesh, Environment & Planning A 39, 2699-2714,, reprinted in Grear, A. (Ed.)(2019) Environmental Justice Edward Elgar
Islam, S.T. & Atkins, P.J. (2007) Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh, Development in Practice 17, 130-36, summary ‘featured’ on the website of the Institute for Development Studies at,
Atkins, P.J., Hassan, M.M. and Dunn, C.E. (2007) Poisons, pragmatic governance and deliberative democracy: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh, Geoforum 38, 155-70,
Atkins, P.J. (2007) School milk in Britain, 1900-34, Journal of Policy History 19, 395-427 E-ISSN: 1528-4190 Print ISSN: 0898-0306,
Atkins, P.J. (2007) A tale of two cities: a comparison of food systems in London and Paris in the 1850s, pp 25-38 in Atkins, P.J., Lummel, P. and Oddy, D.J. (Eds) Food and the City in Europe since 1800 Aldershot: Ashgate,
Atkins, P.J. (2007) Le concept de lait sain en Grande-Bretagne et sa mise en oeuvre, 1900-1960, pp 273-287 in Audoin-Rouzeau, F. & Sabban, F. (Eds), Un aliment sain dans un corps sain: perspectives historiques Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais ISBN: 9782869062375, 2869062370,
Atkins, P.J. (2007) Laboratories, laws and the career of a commodity, Environment & Planning D: Society & Space 25, 967-89 doi:10.1068/d74j
Atkins, P.J., Hassan, M.M. and Dunn, C.E. (2006) Toxic torts: arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and the legal geographies of responsibility, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 31, 272-85,
Hassan M.M., Atkins, P.J. and Dunn C.E. (2006) Pattern of groundwater arsenic concentrations in different aquifers, Oriental Geographer 50, 2, 1-17
Huda K.M.S., Donoghue, D.N.M. and Atkins, P.J. (2006) Monitoring and spatial mapping of small water bodies using GIS and remote sensing, Oriental Geographer 50, 2, 43-52
Huda, K.M.S. and Atkins, P.J. (2005) The creation and uses of small water bodies in Bangladesh: case study of Shahjadpur thana, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies 28, 2, 1-7
Hassan, M.M., Atkins, P.J. and Dunn, C.E. (2005) Social implications of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, Social Science & Medicine 61, 2201-11
Atkins, P.J. (2005) The Milk in Schools Scheme, 1934-40: ‘nationalization’ and resistance, History of Education 34, 1-21 doi: 10.1080/0046760042000315291
Atkins, P.J. (2005) Fattening children or fattening farmers? School milk in Britain, 1900-1950, Economic History Review 58, 57-78 ISSN: 1468-0289,
Atkins, P.J. (2005) The Empire Marketing Board, pp 248-55 in Oddy, D.J. and Petráňová, L. (Eds) The diffusion of food culture in Europe from the late eighteenth century to the present day Prague: Academia Press
Atkins, P.J. (2005) Mapping foodscapes, Food & History 3, 1, 267-80,
Atkins, P.J. (Ed.)(2004) Interdisciplinarity: lessons from the social sciences, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 29, 1, 1-95
Hassan, M.M., Atkins, P.J. and Dunn, C.E. (2004) Suitable arsenic mitigation options in Bangladesh: voices of local people, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, 27, 2, 1-7
Atkins, P.J. (2004) Edmund Charles Tisdall (1824‑1892), pp 839-40 in Matthew, C. (Ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, volume 54 Oxford: Oxford University Press
Atkins, P.J. (2004) Sir William Price (1865‑1938), pp 325-26 in Matthew, C. (Ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, volume 45 Oxford: Oxford University Press
Atkins, P.J. (2004) The Glasgow case: meat hygiene and the foundations of state food policy in the 1890s, Agricultural History Review 52, 161-82
Atkins, P.J. (2004) Interdisciplinarity and positionality: case studies from the social sciences, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 29, 1, 1-4
Hassan, M.M., Atkins, P.J. and Dunn, C.E. (2003) The spatial pattern of risk from arsenic poisoning: a Bangladesh case study, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 38, 1, 1-24
Atkins, P.J. (2003) Is it urban? The relationship between food production and urban space in Britain, 1800-1950, pp 133-44 in Hietala, M. & Vahtikari, T. (Eds) Landscapes of food: the food relationship of town and country in modern times Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society,
Atkins, P.J. (2003) Mother’s milk and infant death in Britain, circa 1900-1940, Anthropology of Food No 2
Atkins, P.J. (2000) Milk consumption and tuberculosis in Britain, 1850-1950, pp 83-95 in A. Fenton (Ed.) Order and disorder: the health implications of eating and drinking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries East Linton: Tuckwell Press
Atkins, P.J. (2000) The pasteurization of England: the science, culture and health implications of milk processing, 1900-1950, pp 37-51 in Smith, D. & Phillips, J. (Eds) Food, science, policy and regulation in the 20th century London: Routledge
Dunn, C.E., Atkins, P.J., Blakemore, M.J. and Townsend, J.G. (1999) Teaching geographical information handling skills for lower-income countries, Transactions in GIS 3, 319-332
Kumar, N., Raju, S., Atkins, P.J. and Townsend, J.G. (1997) Where angels fear to tread? Mapping women and men in India, Environment and Planning A 29, 2207-2215
Gastoni, M. and Atkins, P.J. (1997) The Maltese food system and the Mediterranean, Geojournal 41, 127-36
Atkins, P.J., Townsend, J.G., Raju, S. and Kumar, N. (1997) A geography of the sex ratio in India, Espace, Populations, Sociétés 2-3, 161-71. Reprinted in Guilmoto, C.Z. & Vaguet, A. (Eds)(2000) Essays on Population and Space in India Pondichery: Institut Francais De Pondichery
Dunn, C.E., Atkins, P.J. and Townsend, J.G. (1997) GIS for development: a contradiction in terms? Area 2, 151-59
Atkins, P.J. (1996) A séance with the living: the intelligibility of the north Korean landscape, pp 196-211 in H. Smith (Ed.) North Korea in the New World Order Basingstoke: Macmillan
Islam Nazem, M. and Atkins, P.J. (1995) The grandfather graph, PLA Notes 22, 20-23
Atkins, P.J. (1993) How the West End was won: the struggle to remove street barriers in Victorian London, Journal of Historical Geography 19, 265-77
Atkins, P.J. (1993) The dialectics of environment and culture: kimilsungism and the north Korean landscape, pp 309-32 in Mukherjee, A. & Agnihotri, V.K. (Eds) Environment and Development: Views from the East and the West New Delhi: Concept
Atkins, P.J. (1993) Towards a macro‑spatial interpretation of Operation Flood, pp 150-156 in Sargent, J. & Wiltshire, R. (Eds) Geographical Studies and Japan Folkestone: Japan Library
Atkins, P.J. (1993) Causey Arch and the industrial revolution in north east England, pp 182-184 in Sargent, J. & Wiltshire, R. (Eds) Geographical Studies and Japan Folkestone: Japan Library
Atkins, P.J. (1992) White poison: the health consequences of milk consumption, Social History of Medicine 5, 207‑27
Shueb, S.S. and Atkins, P.J. (1991) Crop area estimation: a comparison of remote sensing and census methods, Geography 76, 235‑239
Atkins, P.J. (1991) Sophistication detected: or, the adulteration of the milk supply, 1850‑1914, Social History 16, 317‑39,
Atkins, P.J. (1990) The spatial configuration of class solidarity in London’s West End, 1792‑1939, Urban History Yearbook 17, 36‑65,
Atkins, P.J. (1989) The compilation and reliability of London directories, London Journal 14, 1, 35‑46,
Atkins, P.J. (1989) London’s suburban directories, 1827‑circa 1975, Publishing History 25, 73‑88
Atkins, P.J. (1989) Eighteenth century London directories, Factotum 28, 12‑16
Atkins, P.J. (1989) Operation Flood, Geography 74, 259‑62
Atkins, P.J. (1989) The Covent Garden Ladies, Factotum 30, 10‑11
Atkins, P.J. (1988) India’s dairy development and Operation Flood, Food Policy 13, 305‑12
Atkins, P.J. (1988) Redefining agricultural geography as the geography of food, Area 20, 281‑3
Atkins, P.J. (1988) London directories: a reassessment, Local Historian 18, 187‑9
Atkins, P.J. (1987) The charmed circle: von Thünen and agriculture around nineteenth century London, Geography 72, 129‑39
Atkins, P.J. (1986) Edmund Charles Tisdall (1824‑1892) milk retailer and wholesaler, pp 534‑36 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 5 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1986) Edwin White (1873‑1965) milk wholesaler and retailer, pp 774‑76 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 5 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1985) The production and marketing of fruit and vegetables 1850‑1950, pp 102‑33 of D.J. Oddy and D. Miller (Eds) Diet and Health in Modern Britain London: Croom Helm
Atkins, P.J. (1985) Joseph Herbert Maggs (1890‑1964) dairy company chairman, pp 79-80 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 4 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1985) Leonard Maggs (1890‑1959) dairy company chairman, pp 81‑82 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 4 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1985) Sir William Price (1865‑1938) milk retailer and wholesaler, pp 769‑71 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 4 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1984) Arthur Saxby Barham (1869‑1952) milk wholesaler and retailer, pp 156‑57 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography: a Biographical Dictionary of Business Leaders Active in Britain in the Period 1860-1980 vol. 1 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1984) Sir George Barham (1836‑1913) milk wholesaler and retailer, pp 157‑61 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 1 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1984) George Titus Barham (1860‑1937) milk wholesaler and retailer, pp 161‑63 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 1 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1984) Sir Robert Butler (1866‑1933) milk and dairy products wholesaler and retailer, pp 531‑33 in Jeremy, D.J. (Ed.) Dictionary of Business Biography vol. 1 London: Butterworths
Atkins, P.J. (1980) The retail milk trade in London, c. 1790‑1914, Economic History Review 2nd series 33, 522‑37
Atkins, P.J. (1978) The growth of London’s railway milk trade, c. 1845‑1914, Journal of Transport History new series 4, 208‑26. Reprinted in Goodman, D. (1999) The European cities and technology reader London: Routledge/Open University
Atkins, P.J. (1977) The intra‑urban milk supply of London, circa 1790‑1914, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers new series 2, 383‑99
Atkins, P.J. (1972) Moated medieval sites, Local Historian 10, 135‑38